MSN, Mental Health Nursing, Georgia State University , USA
BSN, Nursing, Emory University , USA
- Lo, J.H., Huang, H.P., & Sung, S.C. (2023). Working memory ability evaluation based on fuzzy support vector regression. Sensors, 23, 8246. (SCIE)
- Huang, C.Y., Lo, J.H., Huang, H.P., Sung, S.C., Chen, W.C., Chiou, H.F., & Hong, B.T. (2023). Predictive value of the MoCA-T for early detection of MCI and dementia in Taiwanese older adults. International Journal of iRobotics, 6(3), 1-5.
- 戴孟茹、許青雲、宋素卿*(2023)。民眾對保健食品再購意願及其相關因素之探討。長庚科技學刊,38,1-18。(通訊作者)
- 蔡汶玲、宋素卿*(2023)。影響高齡志工持續志願服務及其生活品質之因素探討。長期照護雜誌,26(1),59-74。(通訊作者)
- 盧瑞華、林秀純、宋素卿*(2022)。疫情下的性教育-大學生線上學習與反思寫作性教育之初探。台灣性學學刊,28,27-54。(通訊作者)
- Liu, H.Y., Sung, S.C., Chao, C.Y., Chen, N.H., Chen, H.F., Wu, S.M. (2022). Development and Psychometric Testing of a Taiwanese Team Interactions and Team Creativity Instrument (TITC-T) for Nursing Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 7958. (SSCI)
- Liu, H.Y., Chao, C.Y., Kain, V.J., & Sung, S.C*. (2019). The relationship of personal competencies, social adaptation, and job adaptation on job satisfaction. Nurse Education Today, 83, 104199. (SCI)(通訊作者)