學年 |
姓名 |
中英文論文題目 |
指導教授 |
104 |
金芷安 |
運用羅特氏互動式分析法於健康照護人員與老年長者溝通特徵與型態 The Use of the Roter’s Interactive Analysis System in Characteristics and Styles of Communications between Health Care Staffs and Seniors |
王 琤 |
104 |
曾采縈 |
職場員工健康促進生活型態與代謝症候群危險因子之相關性探討-以北市某企業公司為例 Exploring the Relationship Between Health Promotion Lifestyle and Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Workplace Staff |
石惠美 |
104 |
張煜敏 |
北部某衛生單位員工工作壓力、因應策略與身心健康關係之研究 Research on the Relationships Among Work Stress, Coping Strategies, and Physical and Mental Health of Employees from a Local Health Department |
宋素卿 |
104 |
張瀞月 |
探討影響痛風患者服藥遵從行為之相關因素 The Exploration of the Associated Factors to Gout Patients Medication Adherence Behavior |
宋素卿 |
104 |
陳華偉 |
芳香療法介入對長照機構老人之憂鬱情緒、睡眠及生活品質之影響 Effects of Aromatherapy on Depression, Sleep and Quality of Life for Older Residents in Long Term Care Facilities |
石惠美 |
104 |
張倩倫 |
計程車司機的健康促進生活型態、工作疲勞與睡眠品質相關性探討 The Relations BetweenThe Health Promotion Lifestyles,Job Fatigue and Sleep Quality among Taxi Drivers |
葉美玉 |