學年 |
姓名 |
中英文論文題目 |
指導教授 |
109-2 | 蕭玉鳳 |
桃園國際機場免稅店銷售人員情緒勞務、休閒調適與職場疲勞之相關研究 Research on Emotional Labor, Leisure Coping Strategies and Occupational Burnout of Sales Staff in Taoyuan International Airport |
王瑜欣 |
109-2 | 朱麗雲 |
眷村社區高齡者睡眠環境、健康相關行為與睡眠品質之探討 To Explore the Sleep Environment, Health Related Behaviors, and Sleep Quality in Community-Dwelling Older Adults |
張淑紅 |
109-2 | 張喬婷 |
癌症病人主要照顧者心理健康、壓力、靈性健康與生活品質之相關性探討 The Study of the Relations Among the Mental Health, Stress, Spiritual Health and Quality of Life of the Cancer Patients' Families |
蕭雅竹 |
109-2 | 劉曉慧 |
血液透析患者的宗教、靈性健康與憂鬱之相關性探討 Exploration of the Association between Religion, Spiritual Health and Depression in Hemodialysis Patients |
蕭雅竹 |
109-2 | 陳雅惠 |
接受肝臟移植患者之主要照顧者壓力、因應策略與創傷後成長相關性探討 The Relationship among the Stress, Coping Strategies, and Post-Traumatic Growth of the Primary Caregiver after Patients Liver Transplantation |
石惠美 |